Spring is a great time to do a deep clean, no matter if you’re planning to list your home or not. But a few essential areas that tend to get neglected can be even more important for sellers. Follow these six tips to help with your spring clean:
1 Banish the clutter and depersonalize by eliminating the unnecessary items piled up over the years. You want to make it easy for your potential buyers to envision your house as THEIR home, so limit the number of personal items you keep out like photos and knick-knacks.
2 Wash your windows. But not just a quick Windex on the inside. Clean the inside and outside of your windows, window screens, and sills.
3 Start from the top and work your way down when cleaning. That means eliminating those cobwebs in the corner of your ceiling you’ve been trying to ignore, cleaning the ceiling fan, walls, furniture, and lastly, the floor.
4 Make the bathrooms sparkle by scrubbing grout, wiping down fixtures, and cleaning or replacing the shower curtain.
5 Organize and wipe down the insides of cabinets and drawers. Potential buyers will look everywhere.
6 Remove 50% of items from closets and other storage spaces. Box up as much of your belongings as possible and get them out of the house. This is a simple trick to make your storage spaces appear larger, which is an important feature for many buyers. Not only will it only help with selling your home, but it’ll also make your move when you do sell that much easier!
Your home doesn't have to be new to look new!
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